Sunday, January 28, 2007


first of all, i really want to thanks shermaine, always changing our blogskin, great job sher!=)next time, IF have the chance, i shall do the job. hehe.
today's sermon was great. really see the importance of the message. the first thing was that, i learnt that the cause of us not having faith is that we fear. we always do things with our own power and might, but we didnt realise that nothing can be accomplish without the spirit of God. we shall not fear that we will fail if we will to thrust our everything into God's hands. we shall believe that he will bring us to greater heights and make the impossible possible.
second thing that i leant from today's sermon is that we will only be able to hear from God when our heart is ready, and we shall not doubt or disobey God. when we obey God, he will pour his blessings on us. but if we were to doubt him or disobey him, he will take away everything from us. Pastor told us about his personal experience and i think that it applies to many of us. many a time, we often thinks that whatever we possessed belongs to us, and when people try to borrow it, we refuse to lend. but the fact is, we possessed nothing. everything in this world belongs to God. this story of his really impacted me alot.
well, its another great sunday. hope everyday will be as great!=)


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